Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Practice and addition to this weekend's Super Saturday

I am sorry for the late update, we have a couple of important changes:

1.  Coach Bob wants to get in a practice this week.

There WILL be a fencing practice this Thursday.  On Thursday, January 30th there will be a fencing practice for all members of the Lourdes team starting at 4:00 through 7:00 p.m.  The gym will be available to us for this practice.

The midterms for the day are over at noon, so George will be staying after the midterm exam and ordering out for lunch from a local restaurant that delivers.  He welcomes any other members of the team to stay too and join him.  So please bring your fencing gear (and some money if you wish to order out for lunch.)

2.  The Super Saturday on this weekend at Ardsley was originally for Foil fencing.  That has changed, Coach says that Epee members from all the high schools will now be fencing at this event.  All Epee fencers are urged to come to this weekend's event to fence.  Details will be discussed at Thursday's practice.

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