Friday, January 31, 2014

Super Saturday - February 1, 2014

Mandatory for all foil fencers, please arrive at 8:30 a.m. at Ardsley High School.

Epee fencers are included in this event and should arrive at 8:30 a.m. but will probably be done around noon.  The other schools do not all have dedicated Epee teams, they often use their Foil teams for Epee events. Since this is primarily a Foil Super Saturday, you will only be fencing other schools which have a dedicated Epee Team.

Everyone on the team should bring their knickers, and jacket, team socks, team t-shirt, sneakers, Team jacket.
(shorts are usually worn under the knickers in case there is a need for changing in public) and usually sweatpants for AFTER and BEFORE actual fencing.

This a long day, usually ending around 4:00 p.m. for the Foil fencers.  After we help Coach Bob clean up and pack our equipment we often go out to a local restaurant or diner to relax after all the excitement. All Lourdes fencers and families are invited to join us.

Directions to Ardsley High School may be found on our blog on the right side under Directions:

Ardsley High School
300 Farm Road
Ardsley, NY  10502

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